Monday, March 13, 2006

Wherein I ask you to admire my shiny shiny hair but ignore my double chin.

Shiny hair - Them there Aussie hair care products are gooood.

Double chin - That there chocolate cake is baaaad.

  • Birthday Photo's

  • This will be the last post in over a week as very early tomorrow morning, 'im indoors and I will be Leaving On A Jet Plane and going to enjoy a New York Minute on the Other Side Of The World. Yes, I will be fulfilling one of my new years resolutions and a life long dream by spending a week in New York City. And I am very, very, very excited. If you haven't already got that then let me just say it again, I am very, very, very excited. The only cloud on my horizon is the actual flight there (ARGH!) and the only thing that is getting me through the thought of that is the free pretzels Virgin Atlantic give you (yay!), chance of The Hideous Double Chin disappearing by the end of the week? Zero.

    So if you want to know what happened on Saturday night, you should click on the 'Moch's Blog' link to the side of this, and see photo's of me, quite a lot of my boobs and Miss Moch getting more, more, and then a bit more hammered.....

    I was very, very in love with my sister on Saturday night, this was largely because she actually came, because she brought Gay Lee (his fag to her hag), because she bought me sangria, because she told me she loved me roughly 724 times and because she had gold shoes on. They sparkled....

    There were tears, what can I say? Glenn thought it was very funny.

    She left at about 2ish to go to a gay club with Lee, after lots of discussion we decided to stay in the pub, this decision was made because there was a fee on the door at the gay place and no fee on the door of where we were, because we are tight. In the taxi on the way home Chris was heard to say "I'm not homophobic, I'm really not, I like the gays! But thank fuck we didn't go to that gay bar....".

    We got home after The Long Trek To A Taxi and had burgers, chance of The Hideous Double Chin disappearing by the end of the year? Zero...

    BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Liz and Gareth who got engaged this weekend! Big G Man whisked Liz away on Saturday afternoon to Venice as a surprise, I totally knew and it caused me great pain not to be able to say anything. She emailed me a whole plan for Saturday afternoon that involved sushi and Topshop, it was a GREAT PLAN, and I had to say that that sounded amazing, WHICH IT DID, and the whole time I was thinking 'but you'll be in Venice....'.

    Gareth OWES ME.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you very much for the congratulations, and for playing along with the whole devious plan.

    Apologies for spoiling your Saturday afternoon but to be fair, you had raw fish and Topshop in your locker and I had Venice, and a diamond ring. I win.