Friday, December 21, 2007

Positive thinking

I wanted to post something last night because I was feeling sad, after two days of trying to keep smiling, and trying to keep everyone in my family smiling, I was all used up. It was a kind of inward sadness, that creeps in from the edges and penetrates your insides, until the pockets of happiness that you keep sacred are in danger of being gobbled up.

This morning however, after having the (unconfirmed) good news that my father's cancer has not spread beyond a nasty tumour in his large bowel, I am genuinely positive that everything is going to be ok. It's christmas after all, and Christmas is when good things happen (this is the exact opposite of what my sister thinks, which is that Christmas is when people DIE, and I have heard this again and again over the last few days as we waited for the results of the CT scan, enough to make me get home last night and scream into a pillow).

So! We'll have no more bad juju, my Dad is positive and so am I. Christmas is going to be another weird one, and 2008 is going to be another hard one, but I am entirely convinced that this is all, with the aid of some awesome doctors, going to go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love you very much and are both sending lots of positive thoughts to you and yours xxx