Monday, January 28, 2008

Conversation with my mother

Her: Your father was saying the other day that it's nice to have you back.

Me: Back from where?

Her: You know.

Me: Uni? Sheffield? Solihull? Because Solihull isn't that far away you know, if you'd only brave the motorway....

Her: No, not there

Me: Australia? We only went for a few weeks....

Her: No, he meant back as in, back to normal.

Me: Eh?

Her: You were always so difficult, you know, difficult to talk to, to be around, before, when you had a bob on you.

Me: You've lost me, a bob? All I can think of is hair but I'm not sure why having short hair would make me difficult...

Her: No, 'you had a bob on you', it means, you thought a lot of yourself, you had tickets on yourself.

Me: Uh... Right....

Her: You always thought you were going to get a lot out of life, that you could get to such high places, you know, like you deserved it.

Me: And now?

Her: Now you're more normal, You're just like everyone else, feet on the ground, settled, not looking for more than you should.

Me: How much can I look for exactly, before the bob appears? Because I still have ambition...

Her: Oh don't be silly Hannah, you've got plenty, drink your tea and have an organicchocolatecoatedtoffeemarksandspencerbiscuit.


Anonymous said...

Does your mum mean that you have now 'settled' for many things in your life?

Because deep down you know you can do better than Glenn ;)

Anonymous said...

I miss Bob. He was nice!