Thursday, June 29, 2006

Could it be magic? No.

Last week I did two things I never, ever thought I would willingly do in my entire life. I feel that I should not be alone in experiencing these things, and therefore I think I should review them for you, so that you, dear friends, can share them with me.

1) I went to see a Sandra Bullock film, at the cinema, for which I paid for a ticket, with real money, money I will never get back.

There is very little I can say about ‘The Lake House’ that you probably haven’t already thought when you saw the trailer, thoughts which I hope went along the line of “my my, well doesn’t that film look like it sucks ass?”, and it does, it reeeeeally does, if it had chugged along any slower I would have been watching it backwards, and Dr Emit Brown would have crawled all over the giant holes in time travel logic displayed here. Seriously, it made my brain ache just trying to wrap my head around why someone would travel to a mailbox in the middle of nowhere, after they had moved to Chicago, to post a letter to a person who was living two years in the past, and never, ever, question the logic of it all? Indeed, at one point Keanu writes “Can this be happening?”, to which Sandra writes back “why not?”, uh, because it’s completely and totally impossible, you crazy bonkers people? And why does Keanu look so old? I was under the impression he was an F B I AGENT!

Anyway, so then we came out of the cinema and ran into as many other cinema’s as we could to try and watch the end of a different film, we saw the last 15 minutes of ‘Fearless’, the last 5 minutes of ‘Fast and the Furious 3’, two minutes of ‘Hard Candy’, and 30 seconds of ‘The Da Vinci Code’. That was a lot of fun, we may one day buy a ticket for something very early one morning and then just jump in and out of screens watching films for free! But not another Sandra Bullock film, oh no no no.

2) I went to see Take That. Ah ha! Ha ha ha ha! You should go to Moch’s pages for the full details, with photo’s, but all you really need to know is that I have a mug that has ‘got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup’ and an accompanying lipstick mark written on it, and that kicks ass.

I was never a massive Take That fan, so I felt a bit of fraud at first. Actually, during the Sugababes supporting performance I went searching for food. I have nothing to say about the Sugababes, except they should eat something, they’re all ribs. I have to admit though, that during the encore, when Take That did ‘Never Forget’, with an enormous fireworks display and 60,000 people singing along with their hands in the air, I begrudgingly enjoyed myself.

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