Thursday, October 19, 2006

Three reasons why all is not lost.

1. Last night, while having a strop born of tiredness and backache, Glenn told me to "get bent", just prior to stomping up the stairs, slamming the office door and playing champs for an hour. Love him.

2. The chocolate croissant that's left me feeling a little bit sick this morning, no, I shouldn't have eaten it, but yes, it was totally worth the calories.

3. The rumour currently circulating the office that I am shagging the principal in order to get the recently vacated position of Director of Information, a post that would be a career leap of approximately 15 years and £30,000. I am planning on doing nothing to dispel this rumour, it's the first work related thing to make me smile all week. Bring on the wrinkly lovin'!


Anonymous said...

No way - do you get a company car with it?

Anonymous said...

Ahh, only the classiest, most intelligent ladies have rumours spread about them shagging members of senior management. Bring it on...

Anonymous said...

You're both a pair of slags. So Ive heard.