Friday, March 09, 2007

Work Conversation, no really, this was at work...

The phone rings, so I pick it up...

Me: Hello

Him: Hello is that Hannah?

Me: Yes, can I help you?

Him: This is C from XXX, I emailed you yesterday about whether you can get involved in a project we're doing at Y but you haven't responded.

Me: No, I'm sorry I didn't get it until late last night and I'm actually working on the isle of wight today so I'm a little busy.

Him; Yes, I know where you are, I rang R and found out.

Me: Oh

Him: So can you attend a meeting on the 9th?

Me: I'm afraid that's a little short notice as today is the 8th and I have to be somewhere else tomorrow. Also, I'm actually going off work for about 8 weeks next week so if this project is getting off the ground earlier than that you might want to look for someone else.

Him: Are you having a hysterectomy?

Me: Excuse me?

Him: Are. you. having. a. hysterectomy?

Me: Er, no.

Him; My wife's just had one.

Me: Right, I see, I'm er, sorry about that... but I'm not having one.

Him: Are you sure?

Me: Yes, quite sure.

Him: Women's things though is it?

Me: It's personal.

Him: Right, well I'll see when we were looking for you to get involved and let you know.

Me: Ok, right, thanks.

Him: Bye

Me: Bye.

Me: Fucking lunatic.


Anonymous said...

See, the conversation should have gone something like this:

Him: Are you having a hysterectomy?

You: Are you having a vasectomy? Because you'll get one if you don't stop asking personal questions.

That would have shut him up.

Mark said...

Oh man, you spoke to Charles?