Friday, July 20, 2007

Bring the pain!

Yesterday I got a letter, it said this;

Dear Hannah,

Here at LA Fitness, we really want you to enjoy your body. I noticed you have cancelled your membership, so now I'm worried you won't be able to.

Blah blah bargain membership offer blah blah.

Your sincerely,

Fit lady who manages the gym.

I was touched by their concern, not many people ask me if I enjoy my body, which is a shame when you think about it, what is life without an inappropriate sales tactic disguised as concern for a person's health?!

So, sucked in by the concern, and curious to find out exactly how the gym is going to help me enjoy my body, I signed up again. It also helps that pilates is back on the timetable.

I am very sad that my gym buddy isn't here to help me suffer, but she'll be back soon, and when she is, I'm going to make her suffer like I'm planning on suffering! BRING ON THE HURT!


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