Monday, January 01, 2007

Re: G'day Sheila!

Funny story; When we left you at the airport I was determined not to cry, I thought 'this is stupid, it's not like she's going away forever, and you can go and see her, you're not that poor and besides, it's christmas, there's all those crap presents from your mum to look forward to!', and then I got in the car, Glenn watching me out of the corner of his eye for signs of tears, still I did not cry, and then we turned the radio on and Take That was the first song on, and that was it, to the constipated strains of Gary Brlow wishing for some Pay-Shonce, I bawled my eyes out, and once I started I couldn't stop, I cried as I dropped Glenn off for Rugby, I cried as I filled the car with petrol, I cried when I paid for said petrol, I cried all the way to the hairdressers and all the way through my haircut (looks fab though), the bawling got me a cup of tea but not a discount (tight cow), I think I cried for about four hours. This was good though, because I haven't cried nearly enough over the last few months about everything so it was very cathartic, I even went to my mum's house and managed not to cry un ti she asked me how you got on at the airport and then I started again, so she's really pleased she's finally seen some emotion from me!

Anyway, we never got to Time (which is apparently now 'fuse') because Glenn was poorly on christmas eve (it's called imissmattitis and he is suffering poor boy...) and my sister had a date! We were all very excited about the date, he is 29 and has no wife or kids, which is quite something for Redditch people, I think he might be developmentally challenged, until she rang me from the toilets to tell me that he had finished dinner with the words "have to be off then, got to see the wife and kids", so not developmentally challenged, just an arsehole.

Christmas presents included an Ipod, which I was very shocked and thrilled about, I have lovely friends and a lovely chap who will look after me when I need propping up and give me a metaphorical slap when I need one (and a real slap if I ask nicely) and stop me buying shoes when I say "please don't let me buy the shoes, I have to see the parrots that live in the trees!", and then they will ask me if I need some therapy because they think I'm the only person who can see parrots in the trees....

Mum and Dad bought me some Eyepod speakers, and some perfume, some Le Creuset (fancy dishes), and some make up specially formulated for people with acne, 80 cotton wool pads, some make up remover, some pyjama's, lovingly handed to me with the words "these are for the hospital, you can't wear them now" and I had asked for some GHD straighteners, so Mum bought me SHE straighteners, haven't tried them out yet.....

I have decorated the bedroom! Chris came for lunch so I carried on the tradition of not letting the guest eat until he had done some DIY and we ripped off all the wallpaper, and despite the fact that Glenn was at work (and for 'at work', read 'stopping off at the office en route to the pub for 3 days straight'), I filled and sanded and painted the walls, and bought new curtains and bedding and it looks really pretty. not as exciting as water parks and orange parrots I know but I felt very proud of me!

New Years Eve was messy, Liz and Gareth came for lunch and I was already pretty wasted by the time we finished eating at 2.30, by 11pm I was telling everyone about Glenn's pubes, I don't know why, he has forgiven me though because as I write this I have a quite horrible hangover and that is punishment enough.

I'm so glad you arrived there safely and it sounds like it's everything you hoped it would be, enjoy yourself my lovely, and if you think about it from an astronomers point of you, we're really not that far apart.

Keep safe, both of you!!
All the love in the world.


Anonymous said...

Cathartic. That's the word I've been trying to remember for a week now.

Also: HNY an ting!

Mochinbach said...


I'm now jst below the Southern aussie
Border and have found a machine which is dollar for 5 mins
Managed to type up one blog entry before money is about to go. Miss you all loads. Speak soon XX

Will reply to this lovely email in a day or so when I reach Adelaide. :)