Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday evening - and we thank God another week is over.

"Go to Wales!" they said, "a change of scenery! That’s what you need!", they said, "fresh air! Wide open spaces! People who love you! Go!". At no point, did any of them think to tell me, that the central heating at the house in Wales is broken. I’m in bed, wearing about six layers, and I can’t sleep because the chattering of my teeth is keeping me awake. This is a new reason for not sleeping, it is not any better than the old reasons.

Listening to Radio1 on the way here, I heard an advert for some self-help programme, and it went like this;

Kelly Osbourne: "So, is there a difference between being broken hearted, and being depressed?"

Doctor person: "That’s a very good question…."

Voice over lady: "Listen again on BBC Iplayer"

Me, in car: "NO! What the? No! What is the answer to the question? WHAT IS IT?!"

Something to think about – Do I delete this blog after someone used the word ‘horrendous’ to describe reading it? God bless them, they were totally right.

Genius comment of the week:

“I’ve got something which will get you through the next few weeks, five little words: Jon Bon Jovi – Tight Buns.”
Gareth Coombes

Number of blog entries I have written and then deleted: 24.

Number of sentences I have written just now and then deleted because heaven knows, we shouldn't go there: 32.

And finally, here’s sentence to remind you that actually, not everything is about you:

“Don’t forget, your father’s appointment with the oncologist is on Monday, not everything is about you Hannah.”
My mother.

And she's right, of course she's right.

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