Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just lovely lovely lovely.

I get this email, and I'm sat next to my boss and the first thing I think as I click on the photo is 'yeah, if he turns round now and sees me looking at this picture I'm not going to be the most popular person in the office...', then as the picture loads and I can see what it is my phone rings, at which point I pick it up and scream "OH MY GOD I JUST GOT YOUR EMAIL AND I WAS GOING TO SCREAM THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF EMAIL BUT NOW I CAN SCREAM AT YOU!!" and then I run out the office and spend half an hour on the phone.
Probably no pay rise this year.
But I don't care, because my beautiful best friend is getting married and that's one of the best reasons in the world not to give a stuff what your boss thinks about how you waste your day (let's face it, it was either talk on the phone or look for wedding dresses that don't look like parachutes on the internet to send to her, either way after news like this I certainly wasn't about to actually work).
It's just totally brilliant, they're two people who bring happiness to everyone around them and have brought each other the kind of peace and contentment most of us can only wish for. Truly they were made for each other (and I mean that in the nicest possible way, not like when someone said I was made for Glenn and what they actually meant was it's really my only function in life so if he ever leaves me I should probably just die because really? What would be the point after that?) and didn't the boy do well with the ring?! It's perfect.
But I digress, this post is about the commitment Selena and Matt want to make to each other and the beautiful family they are going to create (hopefully with babies rather than cats, weird).
I don't feel at all ready for such a huge commitment, and as such I feel masses of admiration for those who are, so to Selena and Matt and Liz and Gareth, I hope the worst days of the rest of your life are only as bad as the happiest days you've already had (I can't possibly be clever enough to have thought that up, must have seen it on a greeting card somewhere....).
Just remember Moch, you're not the only one who's handy with a scrapbook and a pritstick.....


ManInOz said...
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Mochinbach said...

You are a very sweet and lovely lady. :)
Unlike me, you haven't waved a collection of embaressing photographs of us as kids under my nose so I am not entirely sure how much quaking in fear the scrapbook remark equates too! lol

As for you and LOM. I think you know you do have "the one" you just have to learn to accept it ;) LMAO LOM I reckon if you wait for your 7 year anniversary you'll be spot on :)
P.s Appologies for the deleted one that was me! :)