Saturday, February 03, 2007


I spend an hour on the phone to Moch, she urges me to SET UP SKYPE YOU LAZY WOMAN! So I do, I get all the stuff out the box and set everything up and connect this wire to that wire and bingo! My work is done, I download stuff and install stuff and woo hoo! Check me out! A technical guru worthy of a job for an software based management company (hang on a second....), what other wondrous things can I accomplish today I wonder? Maybe I will re-decorate the bedrooms, finish the loft boards, make a quilt, bake a cake, landscape the garden.... But hang on, let's start with something small and work my way up to Nigella like status... I will put away the clothes in the spare room, some tunes I think, click on itunes, select track, hit play...

Where is the music?

There is no music....

Oh I have done something stupid, I have fucked up the PC, I have broken the speakers, I have set fire to something internal and eventually the wires will implode, the house will crumble and they will find me underneath the rubble clinging to a USB cable mumbling "why.....", but no, here it is! here! the speaker cable has come out! THIS I CAN FIX! Just need to plug it back in... God I'm good, wow.... where the hell do you plug it in? this one? No that's not aerosmith, that's just lots of obnoxious crackles... here? no, again with the crackles, Ah ha! This must be the... No.


This must be what is was like in the war.


ManInOz said...

Span, skype will have changed the audio settings on your pc to ensure it will work and make sounds through the phone. If you go to the sound device options you can have a tinkle with them and see if you can get them working again - if this doenst work text us when you are by the pc and we will try and help you out.

But you have now been elevated to "True Legend" status for even having the patience and bravery to install random softweare on the pc!Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the war. They had Aerosmith then.