Friday, September 14, 2007

Some days you leave work having accomplished, and others you leave work having driven a 'colleague' to unemployment.

I’m working with a man who is new, who has no knowledge of the sector we work in, who arrives late and leaves early and is paid 15k more than me, this is not new information, I have been ranting about this for a couple of months now.

Today, after a long, long week at work, I am sat at my desk trying to fix something that does not want to be fixed. I am mumbling the message that the application keeps throwing at me under my breath to try and understand how to fix it, I am mumbling “L14 must be an integer…”.

New, inexperienced and overpaid man is standing next to me waiting for something to print, he is looking at the screen and listening to my mumbles, he taps me on the shoulder, he cocks his head to the side and, in a slow voice, as if he’s talking to his two year old, he says “an integer is a number”.

I look back at the screen, I look at new and overpaid man, I look back at the screen, I feel three months of frustration and resentment rise in my chest and I look back at him.


I look back at the screen and say “The problem is that L14 IS an integer and I don't understand why the system can't see it, you patronising arse”.

New, inexperienced and overpaid man sits down, my boss leans over from his position at the end of the desk and says “she has an English degree, she knows what words mean.”

New, inexperienced and overpaid man resigns.


Mark said...

You're my hero.

Mochinbach said...

WOo Hooo!!!!!

Yay Davis! ;)

At least the boss noticed he was an idiot too! lol ;)