Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My boyfriend the genius

Glenn's doing a course, he joined his firm as an administrator (that's how all the greatest minds start out by the way), and pretty soon they asked him to hop on the graduate train, destination Career Land (was that too cheesy? Possibly....).

There is a price to pay for this opportunity and it's two years of study alongside his full-time job (graduate surveyor), and his part-time job (putting up with me). Once a month our house is a little terrace of tension (again with the cheese, what's wrong with me?!) as he completes assignments in time for deadlines set in stone.

A couple of weeks ago was one such weekend, on the Sunday he locked himself in the study and hammered away at an assignment that seemed to baffle him. I kept myself to myself, I have long since learned that Glenn does not want to talk to anyone, no one can help him, the best and only thing you can do is stay away and bring him the ocassional cup of tea and a hobnob. Sometimes even this annoys him, so it's best just to stay away, and this was one such day. I stayed downstairs, cleaning and watching Grey's Anatomy re-runs (ah, twas a nearly perfect day), and then suddenly he bursts into the living room;

Him: I can't do it!!

Me: Sorry?

Him: I don't get it! I can't do it! I'm going to FAIL

Me: Is there anyone on the course you can talk to?

Him: The VLE is down, there's no one

For those of you not in the know, you're very lucky, and VLE is Virtual Learning Environment

Me: Anyone from work you can talk to?

Him: No, anyway, I have to do this on my own.

Me: Ok... clutching at straws but desperate to be helpful... what about my dad?! He knows loads of stuff about stuff!

Him: I can't call your Dad! You don't understand, I will FAIL, FAIL, The ENTIRE course. Honestly! Talking to you is USELESS!

And he slammed the door and stormed off upstairs mumbling something incoherant.

So he submits the assignment the following morning, and the results arrived today.

Best Marks Yet, I just want to say that again, BEST MARKS YET. The boy is stunning, ridiculous and stunning. The marking tutor wrote "a good assignment with a well presented and detailed take-off- well done!".

Just awesome, and totally worth telling the world about.

Or at least the 9 people who read this.


ManInOz said...

Hey Span,

Pass on my belated pat on the back to old man LOM. A true story of love, war and education!

Bloody good show that man!

Anonymous said...

Have said it before, and will almost certainly say it again - Keilloh, you rock.

Mochinbach said...

Pat on the back for key lime... red wine... godl star and chocolate of choice for Davis! ;)