Monday, September 24, 2007

Totally blagging it, every single day.

Last week my boss told me to go away and put together a business case so that the powers that be will pay for me to do a masters in something possibly IT related, this week I had the following email conversation:


Another Hectic day in MIS land i guess ..... Oh the life of a high powered MIS type consultant.
I was trying to sort out a few arty pictures of young lads for the older members of my teaching team who struggle to put a name to a face......
BUT as you already know the MIS rogues gallery is not live yet - hard to believe i know ....BUT TRUE !
Any idea how long i need to wait ?? Are you the right person to hassel ??
If not SORRY for bothering you with this small trivial issue.....enjoy another coffee and please keep the music and laughter down!


I am indeed incredibly busy with the rock and roll lifestyle we MIS consultants like to maintain but have taken a few precious moments out of my day to tell you that the rogues gallery IS live. I am lucky enough to be able to see all faces of the many learners this college have welcomed through the disinfectant, some photographs I was pleased to be exposed to, others not so much...
You will, I'm afraid, have to brave the IT helpdesk as if I can see it then there's something up with your machine, are the gerbils still running in the little wheels?
Would help if I could, I think it's a problem many of you poor, unappreciated and neglected teaching staff are suffering...


Unfortunately one of the gerbils currently has bad feet ...... possibly as a result of too much exposure to disinfectant. He has been told to rest and that he may need two weeks off. As a result the remaining gerbil is doing his best but due to fatigue the wheels are spinning very slowly...... So i am off to the IT helpdesk again!
This time i am not going to leave until they have given me either a gerbil jump lead or a pair of brand new gerbils.....Unfortunately as you have spotted i am not the only lecturer with broken or underpower gerbils at the present.
Enough ..... your door is closed again today ........... enjoy the coffee morning!!

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