Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Weirdest dream ever

Last night;

I leave Glenn and move into a ground floor flat by the sea with Ashley Cole, Ashley and I are very happy together, even though my mother is sat in the corner of the flat repeating "Glenn is a lovely boy" over and over again. I walk out of the flat to go shopping and someone shoots me in the back, I fall to the floor and realise I am paralysed. Ashley Cole comes out of the flat, throws a blanket over me and runs away. My mother comes out of the flat, she leans down to where I am lying on the floor and says, "what's it like? Being shot?", and I say, "it's like being punched really hard", and then I watch as she walks away down the street, feeling the blood pool underneath me.


Anonymous said...

That is weird. Isn't Ashley Cole supposed to be gay?

SpanAir said...

The alleged gayness may explain the engagement to Dirty Dirty Cheryl Tweedy.