Thursday, October 18, 2007

2nd worst dream I've ever had

The worst dream I ever had was when I was 6, I can remember it as clearly as if it was last night, I'm in a large house and I walk into a bathroom, where I see my father holding my sister who is a baby, she is very still and covered in blood, there is a knife on the floor, he sees me, he drops my sister in the sink, picks up the knife and begins to walk towards me. I run out of the room and into a bedroom where I see my grandmother (mum's side), I tell her she has to come with me, that Daddy's a bad man, she says that it's too late, that she's already dead and turns away from me. I run out of the room and see my grandfather hanging from a rope attached to something on the ceiling. My mother is standing at the top of the stairs holding a roll of carpet, it begins to unroll down the staircase and when it gets to the bottom I see that my grandmother was inside it, her face is blue. I run to the door, open it and run down the road as fast as I can, then I woke up screaming.

I know exactly where this dream came from, my maternal grandparents passed away (completely natural causes I should add) when I was 3 (grandfather) and when I was 5 (grandmother). My mother worked nights and had fallen asleep on the sofa one evening before dad was home from work, I was 6 and took full advantage of the situation, watching TV until about 10pm, feeling oh so grown up, I think I thought there would be lots more children's TV that I was missing by being sent to bed, unfortunately I saw a holocaust documentary and when my father got home he found me sitting on the carpet transfixed by these horrendous images on the TV, sobbing.

Watching horrible documentary about people being murdered + only dead people my 6 year old self knew about = dream about murdered grandparents. Quite why my father was the Michael Myers of my dream I don't know...

So last night I had a similar dream, except this one ended with me sitting on a bed in a hotel (weird that), being attacked by Liz, who was trying to smash a pint glass over my head while shouting "fucker!". I woke up screaming when she had managed to smash the glass and was trying to stab me in the eye with a pointy shard.

Death by pint glass, I have NO idea where that came from. Perhaps I have had a row with Liz and it was so traumatic that my brain has erased it from my memory, I am 98% sure that hasn't happened though... (got to allow 2% for possible mental tendancy's, I could be a secret psycho, do psycho's know they are psycho's?) perhaps it's because I haven't spoken to Liz in a week or so and I was thinking about that, and perhaps I am afraid of being murdered? Put the two together and I have a dream about being murdered by Liz.....? Nope, that doesn't make any sense.

I do know that my screaming also woke up the man in the room next to mine who knocked on my door at 3.34am to make sure I was ok.

I think I much prefer dreams about Demi Moore, Matthew Woodward, and jet ski's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if it offers any reassurance, i don't want to kill you :o)