Saturday, February 25, 2006


Him; Did you get there ok then?

Me; Yeah, I'm here, tired though, can't wait to go back to bed...

Him; Can't sleep when you get home, we've got stuff to do.

Me; Like what?

Him; I've got to do you.

Me; Ah, spontanaity, truly a lost art.

Him; Can't get out of it now, I've put it in my diary.

Me; Your diary? Really? The one that says 'Friday - got up late, snow! ran to train station, was late for work, ate some meat, worked a bit, hate everyone, ate meat, worked a bit more, went home, ate meat, shagged bird, ate meat, sleep.

Him; Did you find my diary?

Me; Sweetheart, I could write your diary every single day.

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