Monday, February 06, 2006

I asked for this....

This week, well, for the next three days, I am working from home. I am working on this project which is going on in the south west and my manager arranged it for me to do my part from home. This is great! Although I haven't slept because I am so worried about it, so many things to do, haven't used the software before, no one to just look over and ask about anything......

I should not be worrying about this, the thing is though, I've realised that the longer I do this job, the more my self confidence is eroded, the longer I do the same three or four things in the same three or four places, the more I think I can't do anything else.

This is stupid, I can do anything I want to do, I just have to work at it, I just have to be allowed to try and not be held back because someone makes more money holding me back.

I just have to enjoy these next three days, and the three days next week. However, you have to set yourself rules, like no TV, and no sleeping (God I'd love some sleep, where has the sleep gone?), and no wandering aimlessly around the house, and no decorating the bathroom, and no chocolate HobNobs, and no re-arranging your wardrobe, and no re-organising your make-up box, and no planning your summer holiday, and no flicking through the Ikea catalogue (even though it's right there), and no filling out job applications, no no no....

Who am I kidding? I love the chocolate HobNobs....

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