Sunday, February 19, 2006

Glenn says next time I mention Ikea he'll black the other one...

So Saturday night Lovely Hot Ros and her fella came round to check out the swanky poshness of my palatial abode and much fun was had, I had finally made a clean break with my boyfriend the toilet and, although it didn't want to let me go, it finally resigned itself to moving on and I was free (imodium - get some - fucking amazing stuff).

We had some wine and we were talking about stuff and Ros mentioned an impression of this girl we all know that I do, it is an HILARIOUS impression, such is my talent for the lost art of the mimic (and by hilarious I mean cruel and by talent I mean I'm a bitch who is destined for hell), this impression involves lots of hair flicking and storming out of rooms to make a point so I duely stood up in order to flick my hair and storm out into the kitchen. I flicked my hair, I swung around, I lost my balance, I smacked my face into the door frame and....

now I have a black eye.

Which is an AWESOME thing to go back to work with.


Mochinbach said...

we demand photographic evidence!!

"i've been off sick" yeah yeah... where else were you bruised? Did he beat you? You poor thing! You've had a week off to hide the abuse!

Anonymous said...

Or you could just look them in the eye and whisper, "Fight club".