Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Six Degrees of Separation

This morning I recieved an email from Jennifer Aniston. Well, it was entitled 'Look who sent this email at the bottom'; and sure enough, scroll down and Jennifer Aniston sent it to some guy called Jeff who didn't send it to anybody but somehow, via about 50 people, it has made its way into my inbox. The attachments are pictures of Courteney Cox's baby's christening, I know this because I opened them and they were so pretty! Although in one Jennifer is being hugged awkwardly but someone she clearly doesn't know and/or is scared of.

I was annoyed at myself for opening them since I swore after the demise of the unspeakably beautiful Jen and Brad union that I would Never Again buy a celebrity magazine. I was convinced that I, in some small capacity, contributed to one of the many factors, that influenced one of the key moments which led to the break up (ah, the ego of the young; neither of them would know me if I beat them over the head with a shitty stick, but in my head, I helped their divorce!). I know celebrities court these things, that it is possible to be an actress and not be famous, that at anytime, any of them could just think, 'screw this for a game of soldiers', take their millions and run to a cat sanctuary in the hills (you laugh at this, but how many pictures of Doris Day and Bridgette Bardot running out of Starbucks barefoot have you seen recently?) but I can't help it! they're just all so pretty! And I am so very jealous of all the prettiness and the money and stuff.... It could be worse, I could look like Wendolina! (I may explain that joke some day, but not today).


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