Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Saturday night we went out with some friends of mine. Friends who have permanent places in the Top Ten Friends of my entire life list. We started at The Man in The Moon with two large glasses of wine, got ready at no. 14 over a bottle of wine, took the bus into town and had a cocktails at Santa Fe in The Mailbox, moved along to the Pitcher and Piano on Brindley Place for several Asahi's, I fell asleep.

This is becoming a regular thing when we go out, I fall asleep on the lap of the nearest person (usually Glenn's lap, hopefully Glenn's lap...) and then I have to get prodded awake by my friends who have long since realised I am not the achingly hip example of youth culture I long to be. Then there was the stealing; it was just a couple of cookies and a muffin or two from an unattended barista bar, but still, it was theft.

I blame the Asahi! Always blame the drink! As someone who will never reach the heady heights of my Top Ten Friends list once said; 'If you can't remember it, it never happened'. That was admittedly usually said to justify the wanton abuse we put ourselves through during our uni days, but it still works! So what if you woke up at 6am in someone's house, miles from your own with a raging hang over? Then had to escape through the window without waking the person you had woken up next to. Then had to walk in the pouring rain back home wearing only a pair of jeans and an inapproprately sparkly (and if you were really unlucky, backless) top, vomiting every tenth step? Who cares? Because if you couldn't remember how you got there, then it never happened. Those my friends, are words to live by.

Anyway, Saturday wasn't anything like as unfortunate. One distinct benefit of not being a pissed up student anymore is that;
1.) you can go home when you want to,
2.) you don't have to have a kebab (or a cheese burger from Mr Peppers on Beverley Road - although I kind of miss that....)
3.) you don't have to feel less of a person because there was no snogging
4.) you don't have to feel less of a person because there was snogging
5.) there doesn't have to be any aftershock, or any drinks that you set fire to before downing them and then instantly projectile vomiting.
6.) you can wear more clothes (hurray for the more clothes!)
7.) you can wear less make-up (no more looking in the mirror when you get home and seeing the less attractive sister of Lily Savage staring back at you)
8.) you can dance, and not kill people with your wildly flailing limbs
9.) you can wake up next to someone and not have to escape out the window, because you don't want to escape out of the window, because you love them.
10.) you don't have to wake up in a disgusting student house, you can wake up in the house of the people in your Top Ten Friends list, and they will make you breakfast, and you will feel warm and fuzzy, instead of sick and gross.

Although I would never, ever change anything I did as a student, I don't want to do it now, because now is really good, and now is just as much fun.

Now is certainly much cleaner.

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