Friday, June 24, 2005


we are not going to Alton Towers, Glenn has vetoed it. This is not because I have an issue with amusement parks (expect a huge post any day now on the many seemingly innocent things I have issues with, you have already had amusement parks and friends reunited) it is because we have no money (£30 each to get into Alton Towers you know, £30 EACH!) and it would end up being a very expensive way to walk around a park holding people's coats while they, you know, enjoy themselves. It is also because we have to go to a christening (A WHOLE DAY OF BABIES AND GOD, WHY DO WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES?) so it would be a whole weekend away from the house that Jack built (and not the last one he built, the one on the good solid ground, no no, we bought the one he built on SAND).

I hope Weener understands that I would be there with bells on if I had any money that wasn't allocated to things like fixing a toilet that JUST WON'T FLUSH FOR LONG ENOUGH, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I BEG IT, and sandpaper, and yet more magnoliamattfinishonecoat(whichisn'teverenoughsowhyarewespendingtheextramoney)paint.
Also, I think I may have made a faux pas with her birthday present, although she likes the Lush Bath Bombs she thought I had bought her the posh pasta because the spaghetti she had cooked the previous week was rubbish. So I have to say that it was just chosen because she is a regular little Delia and I wanted to buy her gifts that mirrored a couple of the past times that relax her and give her joy, taking long lovely baths and cooking, that is all. The spaghetti was lovely.

(remind me to tell a story about how she once said Matt King of the BBQ, Lord of the Flame that they should buy his sister, S, bath bombs for her birthday because S once said to her that she like the way they fizzed when she sat on them in the bath, except Weener said this VERY LOUDLY in the middle of Lush without an honest to God clue WHY S likes the way they fizz, as she, you know, SITS ON THEM)

So we're not going to Alton Towers, we're going to work on the house instead. The house is looking promising though, I knew it would look bad before it looked good but I don't think I had any real clue just how bad it would look, and it's going to look even worse than this. Upstairs is ok, downstairs though, bloody hell, would not look out of place in Afghanistan. Two of the bedrooms are painted though, and the hall, stairs and landing so I just keep ticking these things off and adding new things to the bottom and hoping against hope I can cancel the house warming party and no one will notice.....?

So, from one tired business consultant cum painter and decorater to you - Happy Friday!

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