Tuesday, June 21, 2005

For she's a jolly good fellow....

When my lovely bestest friend woke up this morning, I'm willing to bet my entire broken down house on her actually waking up in one piece, all in tact, nothing missing, all her hair still on her head, still a beautiful blonde. I bet she remembered her name, the name of the BBQ King who lay beside her, and the name of her two children (and by children I mean cats). I bet none of the horrendous things which I am convinced await me on the morning of the 9th March 2006 actually happened. I bet she went to work and educated the nation and they all left school better people than when they got there in the morning, I bet she gets home this evening and has a lovely meal, opens some lovely presents, goes to bed and gets ravaged by a tall man with a penchant for smokey meat products.

In short I bet today, the 21st July 2005, the day my lovely bestest friend turns 25, is a great day. For that is exactly what she deserves.

Happy Birthday Mochinbach. You rock.

1 comment:

Mochinbach said...

Span Rocks too!

What a lovely post! :)

I've had a great day !
