Thursday, June 09, 2005

The great thing about sleep....

.... is that you feel so much better about everything when you wake up. Especially when you have been to sleep in your own bed with your lovely boyfriend (even if when you got home from work the night before, the slightly unshaven shabby chic he was sporting when you left the house two days earlier had been cultivated into full blown beard territory and left you with the unsettling feeling you were living with your bearded father - just call me Electra - and ohmygod he's trying to kiss me and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!).

So that's the end of all the profound nonsense about appearing and being and blah blah blah, I still stand by the fact that it's very important to live a life, not a lifestyle but I have too much to be getting on with to worry about that now. ONE THING AT A TIME.

Settled. Good. Forgotten about. Now, I have to work for 6 more hours and then I'm off to buy a bed, a kitchen, a sofa and 20,000 litres of magnoliaonecoatmattfinishpaint.

Such is life.

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