Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We've only went and bloody did it!

It's all over, just had a phone call from a very happy solicitor (and she should be bloody happy earning £900 for what is essentially PHOTOCOPYING) and the money is going through to the vendors solicitors as I type, meaning that in the next two hours she will call the estate agents and tell them to release the keys to us, meaning that IT IS ALL OVER! WE ARE HOME-OWNERS! WE CAN NOW CALL THOSE DEBT BUSTER PHONE LINES AND GET INTO UNTOLD AMOUNTS OF DEBT BORROWING AGAINST OUR HOUSE BECAUSE WE OWE NATIONWIDE BUILDING SOCIETY £105,450.

That amount again for those people who think a mortgage is just like rent, only better - £105,450.

What all this really means is it isn't actually all over, it has in fact only just begun, we aren't even going to live there for another two months because I want to make it acceptable for human habitation first (and pretty, don't forget pretty).

So anyone reading this can look forward to copious posts about stripping (wallpaper), painting, multiple disastrous DIY events and lots and lots of moaning about the price of things.

Can you see my quality of life deteriorating before your very eyes? CAN YA?!

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