Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Email I received today (because when you can't think of anything to write yourself, you should steal other people's stuff).

Subject: I haven't got a blog...
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:22:42 +0100 (BST)

...but if I did I would write:

Colleague 1: I feel really old today.

Colleague 2: You are thats why! I'm only 26 and Gareth is only a year older.

Colleague 1: Blimey chief, are you really only 27?

Me: Yea

Colleague 1: I thought you were much older than that, what with the grey hair and all.

Me: Yea I've had a hard life. 'I had a heavy paper round when I was younger!'

Colleague 2: Did you carry it on your face?

Me: Fuck you.

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