Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Last night

I got in from work at 6.30, I made dinner, ate dinner, that finished at about 7.30, went upstairs, washed and dried my hair, packed bag for two days away, that took me until 8.30, update blog and sort expenses and now it's 9.00. Checked work email, answered anything important took me until 9.30. Went down to talk to Glenn who by this time was wondering what on earth I was doing, watched a bit of TV and at 10.00pm went to bed because I had to be up at 5.00am this morning.

So tell me, where do people with children get the time to do anything? How do these children got clothed and fed and cleaned? And if the people who have the children have time to feed and dress and clean them, then where do they get the time to earn the money to do any of those things?

It struck me last night that even if my Dr could give me a cast iron guarantee that everything is working now and I could have kids (and this is the same Dr who told me back in March that I have to have them in the next two years or else) then I don't have the time or the money to have them.

It is demanding being a grown up.


Anonymous said...

First of all, do your expenses on work time. Why work on your own time?

Secondly, only check your work email on work time. They don't want you to do your own thing on their time, so why should you do their thing on your time?

Thirdly, wash your hair more quickly. Honestly, women always seem to be washing their hair (or is that just when I phone them?).

That's saved you about an hour and a half. Order take-out; another 30 minutes saved. Sell the TV. That takes you to somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30, so you have at least an hour and a half before you go to bed.

If you're feeling particularly daring, stay up until midnight like me, and walk around like a sleepy zombie at work. By the time you get home, you should have woken up enough to enjoy the evening.

Anonymous said...

I nearly fall over every night taking my trousers off. Being a grown up is tough.