Thursday, October 20, 2005

I've thought long and hard about putting this on here and have decided, in the words of Nike, to just do it.

Yesterday I had what some people would call the journey from hell, I would agree with them, had I not had a conversation with my father than will crop up later. I got up yesterday at 6am, I was out of the house by 6.30am and at work in Bolton at 9.15am, I left work at 4.30pm thinking I could comfortably get home for 7.

At 6pm, feeling very proud of myself for making such good time, I encountered the back of a traffic jam caused by a 14 car pile up less than two miles from the junction I leave the motorway at in order to reach my house. It was 8pm before my car moved again and 8.20pm before I got home.

I rang Glenn and annoyed him for a bit, I rang my sister, I rang my parents. I was feeling very sorry for myself and then my father said "well, it could be worse, think of the poor buggers at the front."

"I know", I said, "they must have been sat there for hours waiting for the police to move the 14 cars"

My father sighed the kind of exasperated sigh he reserves normally for news about petrol prices and said "No Hannah, the people IN the cars that crashed, if there are that many cars and they haven't been moved there must be quite a few people trapped."

"OH!" I said, feeling more than a little embarassed, "yes, how awful....."

Anyway, so yesterday was a 14 hour day, which is not unusual. Except someone had asked me recently if I had seen Neighbours. Apparently there is some 20th anniversary thing going on at the moment and all the old cast members from when we were kids have been on it, and I am ashamed to say that my head nearly exploded last night remembering that conversation. All I could think was 'some people get to watch Neighbours, and these Neighbours watching people get so much more money and holiday than me AND WHY AM I STILL SAT IN THIS GODDAM FUCKING HEAP OF SHIT CAR?'

A few months ago, I wrote something on this here blogamathingumy about how it's really important to find the good grace to be proud of people's achievements and happy for their successes, even, and perhaps especially, when they surpass your own. I am trying to be that good of a person, I am trying to be that good of a friend. It's just that sometimes, when you're sat in your car 14 hours after you left the house and Neighbours is something reserved for sick days, no matter how excrutiatingly proud of someone you are, it's a lot harder than I think it should be.

NB: Please don't anyone post a comment about how I should get another job, I AM TRYING.

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