Monday, May 23, 2005

His hair could just be where the wild roses grow.

There is a person out there who is my technical guru, he is the person to whom I run whenever I have a techy problem that I cannot solve myself (and for that read all my techy problems, including 'but why can't it find the site? I've typed it in three times, WHY CAN'T IT FIND IT?! To which he would reply, with a fatigue in his voice 'because www is in fact three w's and not four Hannah', if in fact I had had the courage to ring him and ask him that partcular question). He has gone away now, he has gone to the dark place, the place where the hip go to die, the place which sucks your money away and leaves you with only an overdraft to mourn with, that's right, he has gone to...... The South.

Newbury is apparently a beautiful market town, it is surrounded by fields and tree's and is accesable to the great smoke of London and it's glorious modern art galleries (Went to the Saatchi gallery in February and I have never been in so much awe/confusion before, it was fabulous) by one short train ride. To be honest, Newbury could be painted in gold for all I care, the fact is, it has sucked one of my friends into it's shimmering glow and I don't like it.

My friend who lives in Newbury is not just a techy genius, he is also a pretty top bloke all round and has been a warming presence in my life for 7 years. Now Newbury has him and I DON'T LIKE IT.

I'm joking, in a half joking (and for that read not joking at all) type way, I am glad that he is moving forward in his life and experiencing the kind of go for broke independance every young man needs, he can drink and shag to his hearts contents now and there is no one to hear him. I have heard through the grapevine that he is a little lonely, that all this new found freedom is a little overwhelming. To this I say give it time, we've all been there, in a new place, with new people and it is so easy to just run home every weekend to the comfort of the familiar and that's exactly what it is, and it will ALWAYS be there (except when it runs to Australia and/or Egypt, and if you think I am annoyed at Newbury, you just wait until the rant about Australia and/or Eqypt comes out!) but stay down there for a bit, go for several hard earned drinks on a Friday night with Newbury folk and it will all side into place. Believe me, my techy friend is a sterling chap and if I can see it, so will Newbury.

And as for the rumours of him having a new and slightly secret girlfriend, well until I hear them from him myself I refuse to speak of them. They hurt all too deeply.........

Mr Dzeryn, I salute you.

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