Friday, May 20, 2005

The Simple Life - Too bloody right she was.

I was at work the other day at a college in Oxford (and if that is conjuring up images of people in caps and gowns riding bicycles then clearly, you know very little about the nature of my job). Usually the colleges have toilets for the staff (with locks on them) and toilets for the students which the staff never go to unless they need a quick fix. I was too desperate on this particular day to trek across the campus to the staff toilets so I decided to take my chances with the student ones.

Here my story begins, Oh Holy Mother of All The Stupid People.

While balancing above the septic tank, sorry, I mean toilet, so as not to let my skin touch the seat, the girl in the cubicle next to me flushed and exited. I exited shortly after to find her (wearing curious hot pink leg warmers) staring at one of the sinks, said sink had had it's drain stuffed with tissue, the tap had been left running and it was quickly filling up with grey water (yes, grey). The girl in the Curious Hot Pink Legwarmers let out an 'Ew!' and picked a different sink.


God I feel old, I'm 24 and I have lost touch with the kids man, EW IS NOT A WORD!

Anyway, the sink was filling so I went in to avoid a potential mini tsunami disaster, turned the tap off, pulled about three rolls of tissue out of the drain and disinfected my hands with a substance from the soap dispenser which can only be discribed as pink acid.

Now tell me, if the girl with the Curious Hot Pink Legwarmers never reach adulthood, maybe after an accident with a car which would CERTAINLY NOT be driven by me (at speed), will the world really miss out on anything?



Yes, of course it would, and how truly evil of you to think anything less, HOW TRULY EVIL.

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