Friday, May 20, 2005

Just can't stop today....

Regarding the below:

'Long afloat on shipless oceans, I did all my best to smile.' Tim Buckly sang it, can't remember who wrote it but it goes a long way to explaining how I feel this morning, and have been feeling for a long time. How long before this cheery facade breaks up and the black waves engulf me? Maybe I could go surfing! Build sandcastles on the beaches of misery! Stung by the jellyfish of depression! Ride the decrepid donky of emptiness! Put the red sauce of heartache on the Mr Whippy of despair! Sounds like an advert for Blackpool. However, I've always had a good time in Blackpool. Vegas of the North that place. Apart from the metallic grabber machines of dark, seeping hatred of course.'

Written by the utterly perfect Shamboy, and to him I say this;

Your words leap off the page like oompa loopma's on crack, David Wheatley would feel inferior and I am not close to worthy. If you ever feel like you are even in the post code region of a donkey of emptiness, or the beaches of misery (which by the way, are somewhere near Taunton) - then read this, call me, take a walk on the wild side of Birmingham (which by the way, is in Longbridge). You got me through every dollop of red sauce of heartache on the many Mr Whippy's of Despair I ate when we were serving time together in Hull and I love you, more than I knew and certainly more than you know.

Should your Lovely Lady or Glenn ever read this, I should perhaps point out now that this love is deep and fast flowing but purely platonic, it is a PLATONIC fast flowing stream, nay, brook of love.

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