Monday, May 09, 2005

I'm trying very hard not to get dooced

I've been trying very hard since I started this blog not to talk about work, this is really difficult because work is quite a lot of my life. I'm one of those people who is really ambitious but whose flaws are leaning towards shooting the fruits of her labours down in flames. My problem with trying not to write about work is that this blog has turned into a kind of therapy for me, it's a way of getting what I feel inside out into the open but without shouting it form the rooftops because only the people who are closest to me know about it.

I also want to use this blog as a record of my life at this time, with all the hopes and possibilities I have, as well as the insecurities and fears. However I am fully aware that employers who find out about their employees blogs do not take kindly to unfavourable things written about them in what is essentially a public forum.

So the only things I am going to say about it is that right now, at the present time, in this moment here today, and being unable to go into any detail....

Work Fucking Sucks.

And yes, that is the most eloquent way I can say it

I can't get the sack for that can I?

Can I?!

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