Monday, September 26, 2005

By the way...

Working in Bolton (brew? anyone fu't brew?) today, and I can't look at spanair.blogspot because it is a banned site, it contains 'lewd and inappropriate content'....

The other week I was reading an interview with the Great and Marvellous Heather Armstrong and she said that if you're going to write a blog, then you have to draw a line somewhere, there have to be things you don't write about. She said if you were having trouble deciding where that line should go then a good tip is to imagining the one person in the world who you would not want to read your blog finding it and reading it. The stuff you wouldn't ever want them to know is where you draw the line, either that or you have to be completely anonymous. There's already a couple of posts I have written but never published and the other day Glenn looked over my shoulder and read what I was about to publish and BANNED me from letting it see the light of day.

In the light of Bolton's opinion of my website, I should probably draw the line a bit clearer.

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