Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Glenn Keilloh b.30.08.1978

Song dedication -
The Beach Boys (The Best Of): Track 17 - God Only Knows.

Presents -
1. Book (The Lovely Love, Edward Monkton)
2. Bombay Sapphire (I bottle of)
3. 1973 FA Cup Winners Sunderland Shirt,
4. 12 month Empire Magazine subscription
5. Bag (to be exchanged as was not to Sirs taste)
6. Goal and ball set for garden
7. Pro-Evolution Soccar 4 (have you spotted the theme?)
8. The love that dare not speak its name

Happy Birthday Doofus.



Anonymous said...

Cheers Lesbian

SpanAir said...

You WISH I was a lesbian, how awesome a birthday presnt would THAT have been?