Thursday, August 11, 2005

Today's just been a funny old day...

Ok ok ok, I get it, First I make a fuss because there are no comments, then I switch on comments and make a fuss because I don't like the comments, then I realise that most of the comments are from people I know wielding a power of anonymity they didn't have before in order to wind me up.

So go ahead, comment away, I can take it! For the record I want to state here and now that I work very long hours and I don't take fag breaks, or coffee breaks, or lunch breaks or chat to the woman opposite about her ridiculously large collection of small Tigger ornament breaks, I take Blog breaks, hence, a lot of small posts and some larger ones. Also, the purpose of this blog is not to muse about the meaning of life, or to discover who I really am or anything like that, it's turned into a way to record the little moments that make life what it is, funny, sad, confusing, depressing and exhilerating, the moments that you would otherwise forget.

Please visit Rockinmochin to see The Kitchen in it's half finished form, as I have said to Moch, what's making me laugh is that I know what the kitchen looks like on the side BEHIND the camera (the side I am loving calling the car crash kitchen). We're getting there though, slowly but surely....

Oh yeah! And if you're not watching 'Lost', then watch it immediately! Completely brilliant!


Anonymous said...

and it is the working hard on work and house and the putting up with horrible people and their comments that makes you so deserving of saturday plan x

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say I haven't commented anonymously on any of your blogs. Oh hang on a minute.....

Mochinbach said...

It's been a funny ol' week I'm guessing! Just keep looking at the dancing smiling flower....