Monday, August 15, 2005

There's a weird pattern forming today.....

Our new neighnours on the right hand side are two elderly men and one very nearly dead woman, the men are the sons of the woman and the woman has lived in the house since it was built - in 1936. They are very nice people and, coincidently, the ones who bought us the bottle of sherry to welcome us to our new home when we first got the keys.

Glenn mostly speaks to them as I have a problem meeting new people, my problem is that I don't like to do it. Consequently, he chats to them and I stand by his side with a weird smile on my face like his doped up living accessory. The men (Norman and Richard), often take their mother (Elsie) for walks in her wheel chair because she recently had a stroke and it is good therapy for her, Glenn was coming home from work and ended up walking with them part of the way, Elsie asked how his wife was.

It was at the point, when he was telling me this a couple of hours later, that the following thought crossed through my mind;

'Glenn is MARRIED? How come I never.... HOLY SHIT! THEY THINK THAT'S ME!'

Glenn replied, 'Oh no, we're not married (I think at this point Elsie probably gave us up as heathen ingrates) and for Gods sake, don't let HER hear you ask that!'

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