Friday, August 19, 2005

Trifle or Cake?

It takes a certain kind of person to believe, at the tender age of 19, that they could be alone for the rest of forever. I was exactly that kind of person, that's why I have gone out with so many arseholes, that's why I have always rung every last drop from every relationship I have entered into, even though it was clear it was over, because I believed I would end up in some kind of air pocket if I was single for any length of time, unable to ever get out, and that no one decent would find me.

Then I met Glenn and blah blah blah. Anyway, Mr Bogus (I know who you are....) quite rightly pointed out that all my 'thinking' is bollocks really, and that my choice is absolutely one of those no brainers, marry or don't marry, who really cares, the point is I am in a great relationship with an amazing man and I should just enjoy that. When I think about how afraid I was that this would never happen, I want to slap myself for being so daft as to worry about the things I wrote about yesterday.

Mr Bogus is a wonderful man (despite his dubious pseudonym) and the right girl is out there somewhere, probably as worried as he is about ending up alone. One day their stars will collide and there will be fireworks.

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