Monday, August 01, 2005

My house.....

.... has a kitchen floor!

I never knew anything could look so pretty, or feel so nice, or make me cry at the mere memory of how nice it looked when I left the house this morning. It's a sandy coloured laminate floor tile (marketing on the side of the box said 'so easy, it's child's play!' - and I absolutely agree, if said child was a grown up professional floor layer) and my father and boyfriend laid it together yesterday in a team effort that led to my father calling Glenn 'me old mate' quite a lot which warmed my heart, especially when I think of what he has called previous boyfriends (a brief selection for you include 'the devil', 'little tosser', and if I remember correctly, he once threatened to 'call the police, have him charged with statutory rape and locked up forever', ah, those were the days....) so it's all going really well, we're actually on schedule, if you forget about the carpets that haven't been bought yet.

I have to write about Mochinbach and Lord of the Flame, except I don't know what to write. I've said quite a lot about how grateful I am for all their help, and how much I love and apprciate them but nothing ever covers it, nothing ever will cover it. So I'll just say that a person could not ask for better friends and I don't deserve them.

It's amazing how happy a kitchen floor can make you.

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