Thursday, August 18, 2005


I want a wedding, I don't want to be married.

I don't want to be Miss forever but the thought of being Mrs makes me slightly faint.

I don't want to have children outside of marriage but I'd rather have children than be married.

I don't want to let my parents down and never get married but I don't want to put pressure on my relationship by deciding to married.

I'm not terrified of marriage, I'm terrified of divorce.


Anonymous said...

if its supposed to happen it will, g may get down on bended knee and the only thing in your head will be yes. alternatively, you may still think, 'actually, no' in which case you can live happily ever after in unwedded bliss. and incidentally, divorce isnt so scary, you dont even have to speak to a solicitor or your ex husband, just go to and you get a discount on your will. bargain.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least you're not afraid of being forever single and miserable. Seems to me you've got a choice between trifle and cake; much better than not having any pudding at all.